The project

The Q-BEx project was funded by the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council (from October 2019 to September 2023 – ES/S010998/1) and by HaBilNet, the Harmonious Bilingualism Network (from April 2023 to March 2026). To find out who was involved (Team), what we did and why (Timeline), and discover our academic outputs (Publications), please see below.  Information about the online tool can be accessed via the Researchers / SLTs / Teachers pages.  For a description of the project in a nutshell, see here.


The project is a collaboration between the universities of Leeds (UK), Nijmegen (NL), Reading (UK) and Tours (FR).


The funded period of the project comprises three phases: Motivation, Design, Validation


Academic publications (including preprints) can be found here.

Help us

Collaborate The Q-BEx team is open to collaboration with other research groups and with SLTs and teachers. Please get in touch with us if you have an idea or project you’d like us to work with you on. For general enquiries and enquiries from the UK, please contact Cécile De Cat ( In the Netherlands, […]